Friday, March 20, 2015

Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes Pre-Reading

Today's Goal: Complete pre-reading activities for our next unit on stereotypes.

The Plan:

  1. Read! Yay!
  2. Quick write in your English Journal. (We're going to talk about formatting your English Journal, first, though.)
  3. Pre-reading with your partner.

This goes AT THE TOP OF YOUR ENGLISH JOURNAL with the date!
In a few sentences explain how you would describe a party or event you attended to a close friend.
In a few more sentences explain how you would describe the same party or event to a much older relative.
What are the differences in your descriptions (language, information, tone)? Why are they different?

Find the article I have shared with you in your Google Drive called "Stereotypes Reading" (Hint: Look in "Shared with me.")
With your partner discuss and answer the questions at the top of the document, part 1 and part 2.

On Monday you'll be looking at the article more closely. Until then have a wonderful weekend!

If you were absent on Thursday, we did an in-class written assessment. You need to come during lunch or after school to make that up.

Period 7, please stack your chairs.

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