Monday, March 9, 2015

More Evidence of Irony, Mood, and Theme

Books out! Computers on!

The Goal: Now that we've watched Night of the Hunter, we're going to make sure we have lots of evidence to support our understanding of irony, mood, and theme. (This is similar to what we did with "Cask of Amontillado.")

The Plan:

  1. You will complete your work today with a partner
  2. Use THIS FORM to collect your evidence.
  3. Together, you will find evidence in Night of the Hunter that shows irony, mood, and theme.
  4. You must explain WHY that scene is good evidence for the way irony, mood, and theme is used.
  5. Write in complete sentences.
  6. Submit ONE for with both of your names on it.

The Reminders:

If you missed some of the movie:
Mrs. Roberts (room 864) is showing it at lunch.
Part 2 will be shown today (Monday). Part 3 will be shown tomorrow (Tuesday).

Grades are in for the grading period:
Keep in mind that it's just a progress report. If you are concerned about something, come speak with me (really!). I especially encourage you to speak with me if you have lots of missing assignments. Citizenship grades are based on the Point Loma Citizenship Rubric (which includes absences and tardies)

If you are absent:
Check this blog!
It will have all of the information you need, as well as the make-up work. (Yes, you are still responsible for making up work that is on the blog when you are absent. I will not come searching for you.)

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